Friday, 11 April 2014

The cat’s new bed.

I have finished my planter! It needs a coat of wood paint (in purple) but for the moment it is a sticky, non-water proof white. It is made up of bits of wood that Marg and I sawed off my Gran’s old bench. The cats are miffed to have lost their old scratching post but Dorothy has found a new place to rest her fluffy head. I popped a temporary cover on it to make sure they did not use the soil for other purposes but thanks to it being positioned in a sun -trap, Dorothy has taken to sleeping on top of the cover. And who is to say no? She is such a fluffy thing. However she will have to find somewhere else when the carrots and spring onions get planted! I’m off to Cornwall on Monday so things are going to have to wait. But when I get back I’m germinating the rest of my seeds and buying some strawberry plants. The plan after this season is to take the tubers off the strawberry plants and make a patch of them in the planter that turns into a greenhouse. Finger’s crossed they’ll come up next year! With Marg’s supervision, of course. I’m going to have to get some netting for Gran’s planter. But for now, here are some pictures of my recently thinned radishes and slowly emerging broad beans!
Radishes, all in a row. 

Four broad beans!

You can just see where the cat has been sleeping!

1 comment:

  1. Your radishes are pretty straight, I'm impressed! My seeds usually end up at an angle.
