Friday, 23 May 2014

Dalek compost bin.

I have been enjoying this great weather to get out there. I am running a little experiement with my rhubarb. On my way to work is an allotment and I must admit I am very jelly over peoples' rhubarb. It is HUGE! I have decided that the reason for this is good soil and plenty of nutrients. Now I have problem with the first of these things so I grow a lot of things in planters. However, my rhubarb grows a bit scragly so I decided to try it in the ground. I opened up a hole in the soil (more clay tbh), put a half a bag of manure in and the other half soil and then popped the rhubarb in the trench. It does look a bit sorry for itself but I will keep you updated on the progress.

Gardeners are a lovely bunch of folk. I have a new next door neighbor and when I was digging away at something she popped her head over the fence and asked if I had a compost bin. I said I didn't at present so she passed one over the fence (snails included) and said I could have one of hers cause she didn't need it any longer. Its brill but I feel I'm going to have to start taking compo-stable material from work to fill it. I'm tempted to paint it like a Dalek but it fits in really well in the garden.

 I must get some more bark chip when I'm next out to get a better layer for weed suppression. I have also planted the margerita seeds that my friend Amy got me from Paris which will add a bit of colour and food for the wildlife. Not much to report at the min so hopefully my plants will kick in and start getting into the swing of things really soon :)

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